Ethical behavior policy
Establishing the code of ethical conduct, revealing management philosophy and policies, and fulfilling corporate social responsibility.
In order to ensure the behaviors of directors, supervisors, managers and employees are understood and in accordance with the ethical behavior policy, PEWC have established and follow "The code of PEWC Ethical Conduct".
- Business Philosophy and Policy
- Teamwork, Excellence, Sustainable management, fulfillment of corporate social responsibility, and prohibition of corruption.
- Ethical Philosophy and Policy
- Integrity and ethics, compliance with laws and regulations, protection of company interests and business secrets, avoidance of interest conflicts and self-interest, and fair dealing.
- Human Resources Policy
- Integration of employees and employers, friendly workfare, healthy career development, benefit-sharing.
- Environmental Policy
- Pollution prevention and effective utilization of resources, all employees are committed to contribute to environmental protection.
- Safety and Health Policy
- Compliance with regulations, full participation, comprehensive communication, and continuous improvement.
The business principles of integrity are disclosed as above (PDF).
Ethical behavior policy